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What Types of Accidents Are Runners At Risk For?


For many, running represents many things besides just exercise. A quick jog around the block can be a mood booster or a long run down a new path can be a meditation session. Unfortunately, there are many common factors for the everyday runner that can disrupt the peace of a well-planned run. Poorly maintained roads, large car accidents, and unpredictable weather are all serious events that can throw off a runner’s planned route. In fact, there are several common types of accidents that runner’s experience, regardless of their location, age, or experience. Learn more about the most common types of accidents runners experience here.

Slip and Fall Accidents: A simple slip and fall accident can happen at any time. There are several different factors that could play into this, such as a cracked sidewalk, an icy path, or fallen debris such as tree branches and large rocks. While it may seem like these types of accidents can be avoided, it’s easy to misjudge foot placement when moving at a faster speed. Many victims of slip and fall accidents experience traumatic brain injuries. According to an Orange County personal injury lawyer,  “…Falls are the leading causes of these debilitating injuries that can lead to impaired thinking or memory, difficulty with movement or sensation, and even issues with emotional function or behavior.”

Car Accidents & Pedestrian Accidents: When running on busy streets, it’s important to follow the suggested safety guidelines for runners. This includes running on the sidewalk if possible, not listening to music or keeping the volume low, and to wear visible colors. Unfortunately, even if these guidelines are followed exactly, accidents involving runners and pedestrians are extremely common. These types of accidents can result in serious injuries such as spinal cord injuries, broken bones, and traumatic brain injuries. 

Hypothermia: During the winter and spring seasons, the weather is very unpredictable. From extreme snow storms to icy rainstorms, the drastic change in temperature can result in a dangerous situation for even the most prepared runners. Low body temperature can result in a person becoming disoriented, as well as restrict blood flow to the arms, legs, and crucial organs. 

Dog Bites: Dogs can feel threatened if a stranger invades their personal space, such as their backyard or the sidewalk in front of their home. In these cases, dogs may lash out and bite a person who they perceive as a threat to them or their families. Regardless if it’s minor or severe, dog bites can be traumatizing and painful.

Running can be an exhilarating yet peaceful activity for many. Unfortunately, it does not come with some risks. Regularly consult resources like Runner’s World for safety tips for runners to work towards keeping your jogs injury free.



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